Some of you guys are already experienced it before, that our parents always tell us, don't play games, it's bad for us. But, not all the games are bad. Yes, I know there are some so called bad Mobile games, which are really just time taking and bad for our health too. Actually, not any games are that much bad for our health, if we don't get too much addicted to that game. If we play any game too much, it will cause some serious health issues. But, if we play any game within a limit like 1-2 hours a day, it's ok. That's not a very big issue.
Like, in recent time games are like PUBGM, COD, free fire are very addictive mobile games. Some of us are playing these game too much like 3-4 hours continuosly. We have to change these habits. Yes, I know it's a good mind refreshing game. But, playing these games too much is also not a very good thing.
Ok let's start with our main topic. Yes, there are some mobile games which are really helps us to refresh our mind and boost up our brain speed too. Today I will tell you about three of those games which are really mind refreshing and also, it can improve your brain skills too. Now, I will tell you about those mobile games and describe about, how it will help you to improve ourself and to refresh our mind. In a report of "Department of Psychiatry" from "Cambridge University" Professor Barbara Sahakian also agreed with that, some games are really can help to boost up our brain speed.