Pubg Mobile is now bringing new updates within every 3-4 months. Wants to play new updates from Pubg Mobile before everyone plays? Here's an opportunity for you to play every update features before every regular player. Pubg Mobile recently posted on twitter that, they are now giving you a chance to become a part of the game's beta testing group.
They have posted a survey link on twitter. In that survey, you have to answer some questions to become a beta tester for Pubg Mobile. They will send you an email if you selected as a beta tester. There's the link attached below from where you can complete the survey. You can now sign up and complete the survey form to join the game’s beta testing group and give feedback on new features.
This is perfect news for all Pubg Mobile fans. The beta testers will receive upcoming updates to test and share their feedback on. By becoming a beta tester you will receive upcoming Pubg Mobile game updates to test and share their feedback on. It means, actually you will get all the features that have not been added in the Pubg Mobile game and you can test them out before all other regular players. Then, you just have to post your feedback and share it with the official game team. If you can get the Chance then, you can get upcoming features before the general public and you’ll also be providing feedback on any bugs or performance improvements if you think the developers need to work on it. With the new decision, Pubg mobile wants to make their game lags and bugs free.
All you need to do just sign in and fill the survey form. In the survey form, you will be asked some Pubg Mobile and your game account-related questions. Such as, what is your age? From how many times you are playing this game? What are your user id and user name? How many hours in a day do you spend to play this game? From which season you are playing the Mobile game? You have to answer all the questions like this. Once you have submitted the survey answers and if they think you fit their criteria, they will contact you by email. In the survey form, you also have to give your email address at last.
Basically, you can become a part of Pubg Mobile game developers by filling this survey form. So, why are you waiting for! If you are a true Pubg mobile fan just sign up now and fill the survey form to try your luck. If you get selected you will get a great chance to become a part of the team that develops Pubg Mobile. Here's the link to the survey. Just fill it up and wait for their reply...